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To reach a sustained per capita income growth in the middle term, quality job creation and the increase of employement and quality of life of all citizens of the Valencian Region, in 2017 Les Corts adopted the Law under which the Agència Valenciana de la Innovació (AVI) was set up.

The Autonomous Parliament has slightly modified the legislative text, the consolidated version can be obtained via the following link:

Law 1 /2017, of 1 February, of the Generalitat, by which the Innovation Agency for the Valencian Region is created (consolidated text)

On the other hand, the organisation and functioning of the Innovation Agency for the Valencian Region, is stated in the following Regulation, that the President of the Generalitat validated with a decree signed on 30 May 2018:

Decree 106/2017, of 28 July, of the Valencian Government (Consell), approving the Regulation of the organisation and functioning of the Innovation Agency for the Valencian Region.

The Valencian Government has also ratified the “Terms and Conditions Order” of the AVI, that regulates the procedure for granting competitive tendering aids aimed at Strengthening of the agents of the Valencian Innovation System (SVI)

Decree 9/2018, of 30 May, of the President of the Valencian Government, establishing the regulatory principles for aid granting the Strengthening and development of the Valencian Innovation System to improve the production model.

In addition, the AVI publicises the List of work posts corresponding to financial year 2020