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The Innoagents are specialized technical personnel responsible for promoting the exploitation of knowledge and its transfer to companies from universities, research centers, technology centers, business associations and other entities that support innovation in the Valencian Community. Their objective is the to promote the connection between the scientific, technological and business spheres, as well as promote collaboration in the joint development of innovative results.
The Innoagents constitute a network of innovation agents that, at the initiative of the AVI, began its journey in 2018 and which today has more than fifty members in entities throughout the territory.
The Agency stimulates this network through two lines of help aimed at strengthening the figures of innovation agents and the Scientific Units of Business Innovation (UCIEs). These incentives are part, respectively, of the Talent Promotion and Valuation programs and transfer of research results to companies and are part of the AVI's calls for concurrent aid.  


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María José López

María José López

Asociación Empresas Innovadoras Puerto Alicante

Román Dato

Román Dato

Asociación Empresas Innovadoras Puerto Alicante

Sara Mesas Martínez

Sara Mesas Martíne...

Parc Tecnològic de Paterna

Paloma Barreda Juan

Paloma Barreda Jua...

Cátedra FACSA – UJI


Margherita Colleoni

Margherita Colleon...

ITENE Centro Tecnológico del Envase y Embalaje, Transporte y Logística

Imagen ClaraGJ

Clara Gómez Jerez

Instituto de Investigación en Ingeniería de la UMH

Adriana Tudela Miñana

Adriana Tudela Miñ...

Universitat de València

Esperanza Mancebo Gilabert

Esperanza Mancebo ...


Rafael Hernández Stark

Rafael Hernández S...

CEDELCO – Círculo Empresarial de Elche y Comarca


Innoagents carry out their activity in entities and organizations located throughout the Valencian Community, thus contributing to structuring the entire Valencian Innovation System.

See map --->


II Edición de Eco Chemical Solutions

II Edición de Eco Chemical Solutions

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(no title)

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