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The Valencian Innovation System (SVI) includes universities and centres for advanced research; technology institutes; health research centres, financial institutions and venture capital funds; Public Administrations and the entire business fabric of the Comunitat Valenciana.

The strength of the Innovation Systems depends not only on its components being individually robust, but also on the ability to relate to each other.

Actually, investing in R&D is not enough to guarantee that companies will integrate the technology and the innovations.

The Innovation System must be efficient, that is, the connections between the different components must work smoothly. Without strong interconnecting elements, the gap between each other may become too large to bridge.

Initial Diagnosis

Salary level and per capita income below national average

Low introduction of large companies in the production fabric

Low participation of companies in total R&D investment

Reduced productivity levels

Underdevelopment of financial instruments for technology companies

Unemployment of qualified human resources

Little coordination of R&D and innovation policies

No regular communication between the scientific and the business worlds

Low capacity of absorbing technological progress

Already developed network of technology institutes and research centres

Existence of high power business sectors

More than 900 active research groups